David M. Thimmig – Shareholder
Tel: (312) 236-8500
Direct: (312) 334-8553
Fax: (312) 236-8176
Mr. Thimmig received a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the General Motors Institute (now Kettering University) in 1986. Following his graduation from GMI, he worked as a Reliability and Test Engineer with the Buick-Oldsmobile-Cadillac Group of GM in Lansing, Michigan. After leaving GM in 1988, he attended the University of Michigan Law School, and was awarded his Juris Doctor degree in 1991.
Mr. Thimmig’s practice has involved a broad range of intellectual property law matters, with an emphasis in the fields of patent and trademark law. Mr. Thimmig has substantial experience in patent and trademark prosecution matters, counseling and opinion preparation with respect to patentability, validity, infringement and enforceability of patents, trademark clearance and registration, intellectual property litigation, licensing and agreement preparation, technology transfer and related matters. He represents a variety of clients and specializes in mechanical and electro-mechanical devices and systems, and manufacturing equipment and processes.
1991 University of Michigan, Juris Doctor
1986 General Motors Institute, B.S. Mechanical Engineering
State of Illinois
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
U.S. Patent & Trademark Office