(312) 236-8500

What does an Intellectual Property Law Firm do?

Protect your IP

An intellectual property law firm can be a critical component in keeping your IP safe. They leverage their knowledge and expertise of the law to help creators protect their work.

They help by guiding clients through the correct paperwork, procedures, and other aspects of legally claiming any type of intellectual property.

As with any type of law, it’s difficult to understand the rights, limitations, and when intellectual property may be at risk. So, working with an intellectual property law firm, people can rest easy knowing they have their IP covered.

Why do I need to Work with a Law Firm?

Technically, you don’t.

The tricky part is understanding everything you need to do to protect your intellectual property. No one is required to work with an attorney or a law firm. But working with experts takes that pressure and worry from you.

Consider your car. Technically, most anyone can fix anything in a car. There are many resources out there to learn how to do it. The reason mechanics exist is that we need experts in the field to handle the things we can’t.

In a similar fashion, an intellectual property attorney is an expert in IP laws. They know the ins and outs, caveats, how to pursue legal action, and even litigation. They are a bridge to a field of expertise you may not be familiar with. Which helps ease concerns when protecting your work and avoiding infringement.

What are my Intellectual Property Rights?

That depends on what you are trying to protect.

There are different classifications of intellectual property. Each one protects different varieties of IP and specifies what rights the owner or creator can benefit from.

If you have questions about laws, registrations, or other matters concerning IP, call us at (312) 236-8500. There, a member of our intellectual property law firm will be available to answer your questions and can discuss your needs in more detail. You can also send us a message by filling out the form found on this page, and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Intellectual Property Law Firm - Chicago skyline
Intellectual Property Law Firm - Attorneys Speaking

Types of IP & Rights


Patent law protects new, useful processes, machines, composition of matter, article of manufacture, or any useful improvement thereof.

Registering a patent gives the inventor the exclusive rights to make, use, offer for sale, or sell their invention.


Copyright is defined as the original works of authorship. Things like books, software, video games, television, motion pictures, architectural works, sculptural works, multimedia, theater, and dance, just to name a few.

Exclusive rights that a copyright grant includes: the ability to distribute copies of the work, create derivative works based upon the work, reproduction of the work, performance of the work, and the ability to display the work.

Owners also may allow others to practice these rights, subject to certain statutory limitations.


Trademarks protect the right to use any word, symbol, design, or combination thereof to serve as identification as the only source of products or services.

Registered trademarks help combat counterfeiting and fraud. By granting the registered entity ownership of these unique assets.

Trade Secrets

Consisting of formulas, processes, practices, instruments, patterns, or designs used in the production of a product or service. Trade secrets can provide an economic advantage over competitors.

Trade secret rights protect owners by default. Given a reasonable effort to keep the information secure. Owners can enforce their rights upon unauthorized use, access, or disclosure.

But understanding the types and rights of each intellectual property type is essential in keeping your ideas safe. So, work with an industry leader. Choose Cook Alex!

Finding the best Intellectual Property Law Firm in Chicago

The good news is that you have already found us!

In Chicago, Naperville, Oak Brook, you will not find a more experienced intellectual property law firm.

With hundreds of years of collective experience, we are ready to help. Our team has successfully represented clients across many industries. Helping secure countless trademarks and copyrights.

Our focus is on providing clients with a full range of intellectual property and technology related legal services. Which gives our clients access to our breadth of technical, legal, and industry knowledge.

To help you transform your ideas, thoughts, and creativity into competitive advantages.

Benefit from our Experience!

Work with us!

Our intellectual property law firm is ready to help you secure and protect all your IP. If that sounds good to you, please call (312) 236-8500. Where one of our Chicago representatives can answer your questions and discuss our capabilities in more detail. Or send us a message by filling out the form found on this page, and we will contact you shortly.

Get Started Today

Cook Alex

Chicago Patent Attorney
200 West Adams Street, Suite 2004
Chicago, Illinois 60606

Naperville Patent Attorney
2020 Calamos Court, Suite 200
Naperville, IL 60563

Phone: (312) 236-8500
Fax: (312) 236-8176